My events 

My last events

July 20, 2024

If the publication of my latest collection of black short stories has been delayed, it is because I will perhaps sign with a new publishing house. Polar Passion, a small publishing house with a small number of authors and which, therefore, is ready to pamper them.

April 28, 2024

One of my short stories is selected for publication by the Marguerite Duras Media Library in Bessancourt.

January 20, 2024

One of my science fiction short stories was read in public at the Rainer Maria Rilke library during an evening of readings in one of the best Parisian libraries.

December 2023

One of my short stories won second prize in the competition in the city of Martigues. see the following press article

October 2023

was awarded the essay prize at the Francophone Manuscript Day

Participation in the virtual and illustrated book fair from June 1 to 14, 2022

New broadcast media in 2021

Lighter and less expensive than a paper book, more fun than an Ebook, choose a cardebook. my latest novel was also published in this format.

Since 2019

My Facebook page A year of reading is listed by Glartent, the international directory of cultural activities.

November 2019

Presentation of my essay "The Dawn Treaders, story of Nuit Debout Marseille" at the bookstore "Le Manifesten" rue Adolphe Thiers in Marseille on November 12, 2019.

In the presence of Rabha Attaf, great reporter, author of “Place Tarhir, a failed revolution” and Natacha Samuel, director of the documentary “La place Publique”. A lively debate followed on the evolution of protest movements, on the place of violence and peaceful civil disobedience in protest. A lovely evening in the intimate setting of this bookstore café with libertarian accents.

June 2023

Award-winning short story in the Sang pour Sang Polar competition (Association Frédéric Dard)

My detective story “Non bis in idem” received first prize in the Sang Pour Sang Polar competition

Third prize in the FIRN news competition.

june 2023

My short story "Game of clues", Jeu d'indices, received third prize in the short story competition organized during the Festival International du Roman Noir de Frontignan 

The FIRN short story collection has just been published. My short story features prominently there.

September 2020

My essay "The factory of our frustrations has received registration with the IDREF which allows it to appear in the catalog of several universities
